1 corresponder
v.1 to correspond.4 to be supposed to, to have to, to correspond to oneself to, to have the obligation to.5 to reciprocate, to give back.Con esto, correspondo su favor With this, I reciprocate his=her favor.6 to concern, to correspond to.* * *■ la dirección que te dio no se corresponde con la que yo tengo the address he gave you doesn't correspond to the one I have* * *verb2) belong3) return* * *1. VI1) (=tocar)a) [en reparto]b) [como derecho]este hecho no ocupa el lugar que le corresponde en la historia de España — this event does not occupy the place it should in Spanish history, this event is not accorded the importance it deserves in Spanish history
c) [en sorteo, competición] [honor, victoria] to go toel honor de representar a su país correspondió a Juan Blanco — the honour of representing his country fell to o went to Juan Blanco
la victoria final correspondió a Escartín — the final victory was Escartín's, the final victory went to Escartín
al primer premio le correspondieron 30.000 euros — the winner of the first prize received 30,000 euros
2) (=incumbir)corresponder a algn — [responsabilidad] to fall to sb
esta decisión le corresponde al director — this decision is for the director (to take), this decision falls to the director
a mí no me corresponde criticarlo — it is not for me to criticize him, it is not my place to criticize him
"a quien corresponda" — "to whom it may concern"
3) (=deberse)corresponder a algo: de los 50 millones de ganancias, 40 corresponden a ventas en el extranjero — out of profits of 50 million, 40 million comes from overseas sales o overseas sales account for 40 million
la mayor parte de nuestra deuda corresponde a préstamos norteamericanos — most of our debt is a result of American loans, American loans account for most of our debt
4) frm (=ser adecuado)corresponder a: se vistió como correspondía a la ocasión — she dressed suitably for the occasion
fue recibido como corresponde a una persona de su cargo — he was received in a manner befitting a person of his rank, he was received as befitted a person of his rank
5) (=concordar)corresponder a o con — to match with, match up with
su versión de los hechos no corresponde a la realidad — her version of the events does not match up with o correspond to o tally with the truth
el presunto delincuente, cuyas iniciales corresponden a las siglas R.C.A. — the alleged perpetrator of the crime, whose initials are R.C.A.
los dos cadáveres hallados corresponden a los dos secuestrados — the two bodies found are those of the two kidnap victims
esa forma de actuar no corresponde con sus principios — such behaviour is not in keeping with his principles
6) (=retribuir)corresponder a — [+ cariño, amor] to return; [+ favor, generosidad] to repay, return
ella lo amaba, pero él no le correspondía — she loved him but he did not return her love o love her back o love her in return
nunca podré corresponder a tanta generosidad — I can never adequately repay o return such generosity
pero ella le correspondió con desprecio — but she responded with contempt, but all she gave in return was contempt
7) (Mat) to correspond8) (Ferro)2.See:* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( en un reparto) (+ me/te/le etc)b) ( incumbir)a quien corresponda — (Corresp) to whom it may concern
c) (en 3a pers) ( ser adecuado)te disculpas, como corresponde — apologize, you know you should o (frml) as is right and proper
2) (encajar, cuadrar)esto aquí no corresponde — this doesn't belong o go here
corresponder a algo: su aspecto correspondía a la descripción his appearance fitted o matched the description; la leyenda no corresponde a la fotografía — the caption doesn't belong with o match this photograph
3) (a favor, atención)2.corresponder a algo: quisiera corresponder a su generosidad I'd like to repay them for their generosity; (+ me/te/le etc) lo quiere, pero él no le corresponde she loves him, but he doesn't feel the same way about her; y tú le correspondes con esta grosería — and you repay him with this kind of rudeness
corresponder vt < favor> to return; < atención> to return, repay3.corresponderse con algo — <con los hechos/con la declaración> to square o tally with something
* * *= fit, behoove [behove, -USA], return + Posesivo + affection, requite.Ex. Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.Ex. With the vendors ready to listen it behoves the information profession to work out what it wants.Ex. The film centers on a non-white secretary who believes that her dusky skin and non-Nordic features prevent her boss from returning her affections.Ex. The sultan requited the king of China's present by sending him ten swords with scabbards encrusted in pearls.----* corresponder a = be incumbent on/upon, fall to.* corresponder a + Nombre = be up to + Nombre.* corresponderse = match, bear + correspondence (to).* corresponderse (a/con) = correspond (to/with).* corresponderse con = go with, go + hand in hand (with), go + hand in glove with.* hacer lo que le corresponde a Uno = do + Posesivo + part.* lugar que le corresponde = Posesivo + rightful place.* responsabilidad + corresponder a = responsibility + fall to.* * *1.verbo intransitivo1)a) ( en un reparto) (+ me/te/le etc)b) ( incumbir)a quien corresponda — (Corresp) to whom it may concern
c) (en 3a pers) ( ser adecuado)te disculpas, como corresponde — apologize, you know you should o (frml) as is right and proper
2) (encajar, cuadrar)esto aquí no corresponde — this doesn't belong o go here
corresponder a algo: su aspecto correspondía a la descripción his appearance fitted o matched the description; la leyenda no corresponde a la fotografía — the caption doesn't belong with o match this photograph
3) (a favor, atención)2.corresponder a algo: quisiera corresponder a su generosidad I'd like to repay them for their generosity; (+ me/te/le etc) lo quiere, pero él no le corresponde she loves him, but he doesn't feel the same way about her; y tú le correspondes con esta grosería — and you repay him with this kind of rudeness
corresponder vt < favor> to return; < atención> to return, repay3.corresponderse con algo — <con los hechos/con la declaración> to square o tally with something
* * *= fit, behoove [behove, -USA], return + Posesivo + affection, requite.Ex: Especially if the new subject is one which upsets the previous structure of relationships, it will be difficult to fit into the existing order.
Ex: With the vendors ready to listen it behoves the information profession to work out what it wants.Ex: The film centers on a non-white secretary who believes that her dusky skin and non-Nordic features prevent her boss from returning her affections.Ex: The sultan requited the king of China's present by sending him ten swords with scabbards encrusted in pearls.* como corresponde a = as befits.* corresponder a = be incumbent on/upon, fall to.* corresponder a + Nombre = be up to + Nombre.* corresponderse = match, bear + correspondence (to).* corresponderse a = befit.* corresponderse (a/con) = correspond (to/with).* corresponderse con = go with, go + hand in hand (with), go + hand in glove with.* el lugar que le corresponde a = the due place of.* hacer lo que le corresponde a Uno = do + Posesivo + part.* lo que le corresponde = fair share.* lugar que le corresponde = Posesivo + rightful place.* lugar que nos corresponde = place in the sun.* responsabilidad + corresponder a = responsibility + fall to.* según corresponda = as appropriate.* si corresponde = if applicable.* * *corresponder [E1 ]viA2fue recibido con los honores que corresponden a su rango he was received with the honors befitting his rank3 ( en tercera persona)(ser adecuado): si no puedes ir, lo que corresponde es que le avises if you can't go you should let him knowahora vas y te disculpas, como corresponde now go and apologize, you know you should o ( frml) as is right and properponlos en el cajón o archívalos, según corresponda put them in the drawer or file them, as appropriateBcorresponder A/ CON algo:su aspecto correspondía a la descripción que me habían dado his appearance fitted o matched the description I had been givensu versión no corresponde con la de los demás testigos his version does not square with o tally with o match that of the other witnessesC (a un favor, una atención) corresponder A algo:quisiera corresponder a su generosidad I'd like to repay them for their generosity, I'd like to return o repay their generosity(+ me/te/le etc): lo quiere, pero él no le corresponde she loves him, but he doesn't return her love o feel the same way about her■ correspondervt‹favor› to return; ‹atención› to return, repaycorresponderse CON algo:su versión no se corresponde con los hechos reales her version doesn't square o tally with the factseso no se corresponde para nada con su manera de ser that's totally out of keeping with her character* * *
corresponder ( conjugate corresponder) verbo intransitivo
la parte que te corresponde your part o share
el lugar que le corresponde his rightful place
◊ debe disculparse, como corresponde he must apologize, as is right and proper (frml);
según corresponda as appropriate
2 (encajar, cuadrar):
el texto no corresponde a la foto the text doesn't belong with o match the photograph
3 corresponder a algo ‹ a un favor› to return sth;
‹a amabilidad/generosidad› to repay sth
verbo transitivo ‹favor/atención› to return;
corresponder verbo intransitivo
1 (pertenecer) to belong: sólo pido lo que me corresponde, I only want my share
2 (ser adecuado) to correspond [a, to] [ con, with]
3 (incumbir) to concern, be incumbent upon: esa tarea le corresponde, that's his job
' corresponder' also found in these entries:
- tocar
- devolver
- encajar
- responder
- correspond
- reciprocate
- return
- up to
- match
- repay
* * *♦ vi1. [compensar]corresponder (con algo) a algo/alguien to repay sth/sb (with sth);3. [coincidir, encajar] to correspond (a/con to/with);5. [ser adecuado] to be right o fitting;estuvo genial, tal y como corresponde a un cantante de su talla she was brilliant, just as you would expect from a singer of her stature♦ vt[sentimiento] to repay;* * *v/i1:corresponder a alguien de bienes be for s.o., be due to s.o.; de responsabilidad be up to s.o.; de asunto concern s.o.; a un favor repay s.o. ( con with)2:* * *corresponder vi1) : to correspond2) : to pertain, to belong3) : to be appropriate, to fit4) : to reciprocate* * *corresponder vb2. (responsibilidad, obligación) to be your job / to be up toeso te corresponde a ti that's your job / that's up to you
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